Executive summary cont.
Leadership survey respondents In addition, we wanted to know: 10,000+ 1 - 10 9% 8% • How have organisations’ learning 5,001 - 10,000 11 - 50 13% 14% and development (L&D) strategies 1,000 - 5,000 changed since our last survey, given 13% ORGANISATION how important L&D is to effective SIZE leadership? 501 - 1,000 51 - 200 8% 26% • How are companies adapting to 201 - 500 15% arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI) technology? • What do people think of virtual and hybrid working environments? PUBLIC 35% PRIVATE • What influences employees’ decisions VS to stay or leave an organisation? PUBLIC PRIVATE 65% • How are environmental sustainability and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) considerations incorporated 65+ 18 - 24 into leadership objectives and aligned 4% 2% 25 - 34 within an organisation? 55 - 64 14% 18% This report delves into our survey 昀椀ndings, uncovering the ever-evolving AGE nature of leadership in an environment 35 - 44 30% where change is the norm. Read on to 45 - 54 discover the crucial attributes of effective 32% leadership, and, in the process, learn how GRADUATE / to position yourself to seize the future as a ENTRY LEVEL OWNER/EXECUTIVE / 4% C-LEVEL catalyst for positive change. 14% INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTOR 21% JOB SENIOR LEVEL MANAGEMENT 1 The State of Australian Leadership - Findings from the 2021 26% AIM Leadership Survey, 2021, Australian Institute of Management 2 The State of Australian Leadership - Findings from the 2021 AIM Leadership Survey, 2021, Australian Institute of MIDDLE Management MANAGEMENT 35%
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