
SECTION 1: LEADERSHIP | 8 Interestingly, the survey 昀椀ndings indicate that adaptability and flexibility skills in leadership are underappreciated (see page 7), even though they hold signi昀椀cant importance in contemporary leadership practices. For example, a KPMG survey of 400 business % leaders found that improving agility and 36 flexibility is one of the top 昀椀ve challenges AI is not a signi昀椀cant 8 consideration Australian businesses faced in 2023 . A McKinsey & Company report also identi昀椀ed the need for resilience, agility, and adaptability as one of the top ten most signi昀椀cant 9 organisational shifts facing businesses today . Their report states that research “points to a clear link between organisations fostering a culture of adaptability and achieving superior economic performance.”10 Steve Smith says that the pace of change makes adaptability and flexibility skills even more important for leaders today. “We are seeing things change at an ever- increasing rate. While leaders have always had to evolve to cope with change, the ability to keep pace is what drives success for leaders. They have to be able to thrive on change.” For leaders looking to enhance their adaptability and flexibility skills, AIM’s The Change Management – Embrace Evolve Thrive short course focuses on successful approaches to managing in a dynamic business landscape. You’ll learn how to lead change effectively and build resilient, agile organisations. 8 Keeping Us Up At Night - The Big Issues Facing Business Leaders in 2023, 2023, KPMG 9 The State of Organizations 2023, 2023, McKInsey & Company 10 The State of Organizations 2023, 2023, McKInsey & Company

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