
What’s changed since the The underappreciated skills of pandemic? adaptability and flexibility Since our 2021 survey, ‘collaboration’ and ‘decision-making’ have replaced ‘people JUST of survey respondents management’ and ‘coaching and mentoring’ %regarded ‘adaptability’ as the third and fourth most valuable 18 as one of the top three leadership skills. This change in skills leadership skills they values may be related to changing business consider the most valuable. challenges over this time. For example, a key focus for many leaders NO of respondents chose and managers in 2021 was to support MORE ‘flexibility’ as one of the employees in adapting to remote work THAN top three leadership skills due to pandemic-related lockdowns, all % they deemed crucial for while striving to maintain productivity in a 5 improvement. stressful and uncertain environment. ‘People management’ and ‘coaching and mentoring’ A of respondents recognised were vitally important skills in a business MODEST ‘adaptability’ as one of landscape like this. %the top three leadership In 2023, organisations faced different 24 competencies where their challenges, such as rising inflation, organisation’s management tightening budgets, and the ongoing team excels. optimisation of hybrid working environments. Given these challenges, ‘decision-making’ and ‘collaboration’ are much more relevant ONLY of respondents cited skills now. %‘flexibility’ as one of the top 10 three areas requiring the Steve Smith says that the nature of most improvement for their collaboration also changed in 2023, organisation’s management making it a factor for leaders and managers team. to consider when developing their skills. “It’s not just about collaborating in a team A MERE of respondents identi昀椀ed or within your organisation these days. It’s % ‘adapting to market trends changing into real collaboration between 2 and disruptions’ as what they different organisations. Businesses are believe should be one of their working together in partnership models to manager’s top three primary help solve common problems and bring focus areas as a leader within different skills to the table.” their organisation.

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